Hayley Barberis Hayley Barberis

Are your details up to date?

Now is a great time to double-check your profile page details for the new year ahead!
You can access the details we have on file for you, by clicking on “EDIT MY DETAILS” in your gig list. Keeping all your details up to date is super important, to help keep you playing with the people you like playing with most, and to ensure you can be paid as quickly as possible. In order to accurately generate a tax invoice for you, we do require an ABN, address and bank details. If you’ve forgotten your password, please email message us via the Baker Nation Connect page/form (link above) or email accounts@bakerboysband.com.au, and we can reset it for you.

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Hayley Barberis Hayley Barberis

Why is my pay rate all over the place?

Many of you have been emailing us about pay rates seeming to jump all over the place. Especially in Melbourne and Sydney, where our pricing and pay rates have changed. Any clients wanting to lock in a new date from a covid postponed gig, are now being quoted new pricing, but there are still a handful on the books that are stuck in 2020 pricing; as a result, for some musicians the pay rates appear to be all over the place. Please know anything being quoted now, is being quoted at the newest pay and pricing, and we’re doing everything we can to make everything as consistent as possible. Really appreciate your patience, and your communication about this - we should be through it soon. Thanks so much :)

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Hayley Barberis Hayley Barberis

Pfiiizer Daaahlings

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At long last there is a little light appearing at the end of the endless tunnel and we can start to get our ducks in a row and get excited about playing again!!

I know it still feels like an eternity away, but I'm sure it will be here before we know it, so we wanted to reach out and make sure everyone is in the loop.

All dates at this stage are estimates and depend on when LGA's hit vaccination targets. We're estimated to hit 70% fully vaccinated sometime in October; at which point 50 vaccinated people will be allowed indoors at weddings, which means......drum roll please.......gigs are coming back!!!

But there is one very big condition; we are going to have to be fully vaccinated and most likely need to able to show proof on arrival at venues.

I anticipate this could be a problem for a few people for a few different reasons.

I'm very aware a lot of the younger ones amongst us haven't necessarily had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated as yet and there may not be time for some to access a second jab by their first gig back.

There may be some who are not able to be vaccinated or may feel vaccination is not the right choice for them.

It was suggested in recent 'pressers' that having to show vaccination status will be a temporary step in the road map, so it may just be a matter of having to wait a little longer before everyone can hit the D-floor.

I need to ask for you assistance in helping our producers to ensure we are compliant for the gigs that lay ahead.

Whatever your vaccination status or situation, please know we're not here to judge or question; we're here to help, to respect your privacy and to ensure we're doing all we can to help keep events and live music happening.

If you have a gig coming up and are concerned you won't be vaccinated or vaccinated in time, could you please, please contact the producer and let them know as soon as possible.

If you're fully vaxxed and waxed and ready to get back to being a gig pig, feel free to let us know that, too! Hopefully we'll be able to keep track and not ask you over and over, but apologies in advance if we do ask a couple of times, we're just getting our processes solidified.

Now to try and get gig fit; getting vaxxed was the easy bit, I can barely make it around the block let alone sing and dance my way through 4 sets..... Lyrics......hmm.......suddenly gigs feel really close!

Can't can't wait to bump your beautiful elbows and have a play very soon!

Hayley :)

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Hayley Barberis Hayley Barberis

Tell me when it’s over

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For the first time in a long time, I do actually feel like we're all in this together. I still fantasise about life in less locked down states, but with borders closing everywhere, everyone is dealing with endless postponements and cancellations. No one is being spared this year and being a musician/photographer/videographer was tough enough before covid!

So, if nothing else, I wanted to just take a moment to acknowledge our little community and what we're going through in the midst of this big thing.

I'd like to thank and acknowledge our Producers who for 18 months have postponed and re-jigged countless gigs to try to keep them for us all. It's the most joyless, thankless work at times and though some clients are lovely, plenty have no appreciation of what's being asked of us. Some have postponed up to 5 times now.....it's endless and exhausting and we're so lucky to have them in our corner!

I must also thank each of you, for all your understanding and patience. It's almost physically painful to email you over and over taking work away, and we're all so grateful for your kind and gentle responses - thank you.

I'm exhausted and emotional like everyone right now, so I can't help but say; I love Baker Boys, our community and what we do and represent. I am so grateful to work with each of you, I hope we can continue to look out for each other through this epically shitty time and look forward to the absolute 'parties of the century' that I feel really may be just over the horizon..... Miss your faces....and your invoices! .....*sniff....


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Hayley Barberis Hayley Barberis

🤷‍♀️ You can’t eat pro-points…

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The government have just released a further $20million package for musicians. Woot! If you're unsure of what payments you're entitled to in your state, please do check your MyGov.

I also recommend reaching out to Support Act - they're a brilliant resource for musicians - Their staff are really helpful and they've been able to help quite a few Bakers already.

Lots of you have called to ask about your employment status, and there seems to be some general confusion around this.

Please don't hesitate to call me- I'm really happy to help with this stuff.

You are not employees, but we can help to vouch for you for Music Keeper etc. and have helped many of you already.

So, please do yell out if there is anything we can do to help you in securing grants and payments.

Hayley: accounts@bakerboysband.com.au

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